Maroota Public School

Learning to live, living to learn.

Telephone02 4566 8231

The 2016 Maroota Muster was a success!

Bird's eye view of the Maroota Muster in 2016.


The Maroota Muster has again proven to be a not to be missed calendar event. There is no secret to the Muster's success.

It is the 'spirit of the muster' that brings the community together to support the local school. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, extended family, past students, Mums and Dads from far and wide made the annual trip to Maroota to lend a hand, donate goods and services, volunteer their time and spend a little extra on the grandchildren.

Maroota Public School staff and students are extremely grateful for the efforts of the Maroota Parents and Citizens' Association (P&C) and the wider community.